Little pizza chef hat

I have looking at this tutorial for a pizza chef for a while on Andrea's notebook. It looked super easy and I wanted to make a hat for my son for Halloween.

The tutorial was easy, but there is a problem with the instructions. It says you only need 1/2 yard of fabric to make this hat and then it tells you to make a 24 inch circle.  1/2 yard is only 18 inches. You can't make a circle 24 inches unless you sew the fabric together.  

I made due with a 19 inch circle. Thank you to the lady that cut my fabric a little large. If you want to follow the directions you will need 2/3 of a yard of fabric. 

My son is three years old and his head circumference measurement was 21 inches.  

The hat turned out great!  He loves it!  Now I need to make the apron to go with it. 

Link to tutorial:


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