Happy New Year! Thank you for your support!

 Hi all, 

I wish you a wonderful new year.  We managed to get through all of our tough days last year!  Congratulations.  I don’t know about you, but 2021 was a challenging year.  From homeschooling, against my will, of two elementary school kids, to family illness and loss, I felt some big feelings about the year.  

Although I had some challenges in the year, I had some positive things come out from the year.  While taking a Skillshare class with Cat Coq, I started my Society6 store and had my first sale in the middle of the year.  All told, I sold 11 items on Society6.  I only wish I could thank everyone personally!  

In my second year on Spoonflower, I had 21 sales!  I ended the year in December with my best month! I can’t thank everyone enough.  

Take care of yourselves and your loved ones.  I hope you are well. 


 The links to where you can find my art online are below! Thanks for all your support!

My New Society 6 shop: Features my art on a variety of home decor, apparel, and more. 


Spoonflower: Custom order on the fabric of your choice my designs at my Spoonflower store. 

Simply Samantha Creates at Spoonflower

Redbubble: order my art on t-shirts, prints, coasters and more at my Redbubble store. 



I have loved learning on Skillshare.  They have thousands of classes from painting, photography, computer graphics, personal development and more.  If you'd like to try online classes on Skillshare for two weeks free, here's my link:  https://skl.sh/2ZeC42y


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